Canadian Super Visa

Canadian Super Visa

Parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents are permitted to travel to Canada on Super Visas for long periods of time.
Super visa holders will be allowed to reside in Canada for up to five years at a time starting in 2022, with the option to extend their stay by two more years at a time.

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It is for whom?

Parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents who wish to travel to Canada for extended periods of time are eligible for the Super Visa.

Do those applying for Super Visas need insurance?

Yes, all Super Visa candidates must buy private health insurance before traveling to Canada. Prior to 2022, insurance companies had to be Canadian in order to give super visa holders coverage that qualified.

For your super visa insurance, we advise partnering with BestQuote Travel Insurance Agency. They are not only a competent insurance agency, but they also provide you the option to compare a wide range of insurance companies to make sure you’re receiving the best deal! Start using BestQuote now.

Who can assist?

For a list of suggested professionals that can assist with your Super Visa application, visit our Book an Immigration Consultant page. Check out this video from Deanne Acres-Lans from Canada Abroad, one of our suggested Canadian immigration experts, for a summary of the Super Visa:

Since it was initially introduced in 2011, the Super Visa has made it possible for thousands of foreign parents and grandparents to stay in Canada for lengthy periods of time. This has benefited communities and families all over the country, both socially and economically. For instance, parents and grandparents of adult children can assist with babysitting thanks to their presence in Canada, enabling working-age immigrants and naturalized citizens to participate fully in the Canadian labor field.

Other dependents cannot enter Canada on a Super Visa applicant’s behalf, but their spouse or common-law partner may.

It should be emphasized that those with Super Visas cannot work in Canada. There is a scheme that allows parents and grandparents to live permanently; however, there is a finite number of visas available through this program, and applications can take a very long time to process.

Super Visa: What must I complete?

To be eligible to apply for the Super Visa, you must fulfill a few requirements:

  1. You need a letter of invitation from a Canadian host, such as a kid or grandchild. The host is responsible for providing for your financial needs while you are in Canada, thus they must meet a minimum income requirement.
  2. You need to pass a medical test.
  3. You must possess medical insurance that has been in effect for at least a year. Those applying for a Super Visa must submit evidence that they have acquired private medical insurance from a recognized insurance company, such as BestQuote travel insurance.

The insurance coverage has to:

  • be good for at least one year,
  • be paid in full or in installments with a deposit,
  • provide a minimum of $100,000 in coverage,
  • be valid for each entry into Canada,
  • and be open to inspection by an officer at a Canadian port of entry.
  • For your super visa insurance,

We advise partnering with BestQuote Travel Insurance Agency. They are not only a competent insurance agency, but they also provide you the option to compare a wide range of insurance companies to make sure you’re receiving the best deal! Start using BestQuote now.

Superb invitation letter for a visa

A letter of invitation from the host (kid or grandchild) in Canada is required for a Super Visa application to be approved.

The following details about the invitee (parent or grandparent) must be included in this letter:

  • full name
  • birthdate
  • address
  • phone number
  • connection to the host
  • the reason for visiting Canada
  • the duration of the invitee’s stay in Canada
  • When the invitee plans to depart Canada,
  • where the invitee will stay,
  • how he or she will pay for purchases while visiting.

Additionally, the host’s details must include the following:

  • Date of birth,
  • full name,
  • address,
  • phone number
  • Job title
  • facts regarding one’s immigration status (citizen or permanent resident),
  • including documentation proving one’s status,
  • family information, including names and dates of birth, and
  • how many people are living in the household as a whole.

The letter of invitation for the Super Visa must additionally contain the following information:

  • A written commitment from the host pledging to cover the invitee’s expenses;
  • evidence of minimal income.

Minimum income requirements for Super Visa

The applicant’s child or grandchild must satisfy a minimum income requirement in order to qualify for a Super Visa. The low-income cut-off, or LICO, refers to these levels.

The Super Visa minimum income requirements for 2023 are as follows:

Family sizeMinimum necessary income
1 person$27,514
2 people$34,254
3 people$42,100
4 people$51,128
5 people$60,152
6 people$69,176
7 people$78,200

The following methods may be used by the host to demonstrate his or her income:

  • copy of the Notice of Assessment that is most recent.
  • You print your tax returns utilizing the Canada Revenue Agency’s online service if you don’t have a paper copy on file;
    latest version of your employer’s T4 or T1 (if you work for yourself,
  • you may also need a letter from an accountant confirming your annual income);
  • original correspondence from your employer containing your name,
  • work title, and salary;
  • Paystubs for employment insurance; and/or
  • Evidence of additional sources of income, such as a pension statement,
  • investment records, etc.

Super Visa: Consult an immigration expert

Direct communication between the applicant and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is possible during the application and approval processes for the Super Visa. However, a lot of people choose the assurance that comes with having a knowledgeable and professional immigration counselor lead them through the procedure.